Often times when I'm traveling, I like to create inspiration and mood boards to get me in the mindset of my next adventure.
While some of my boards are more so bucket-lists for various cities I intend on visiting, others consist of pictures of landscapes, outfits and other items that I'd like to see and wear when I'm exploring a new place.
I thought it would be fun to show you all one of the mood boards I've made on the blog. Instead of a Pinterest board, however, this will be a board filled with photos I've taken and places I've been.
Perhaps this inspiration board will also get you inspired to visit a new place, or hone your inner-travel bug! I hope you enjoy it.
How do you all remain inspired and continue to feed your travel bug? Is it reading a good adventure book before you hop on a plane? Is it researching about the new place you are going to go? Is it following other travel bloggers? Keeping a bucket list of future destinations? I want to know!